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Stochastic Programming & Robust Optimization

Rapid technological changes and anthropogenic climate change are responsible for major uncertainties such as technical, economic, political, policy-related, and behavioral uncertainties in the global energy system. Planning a resilient energy system that can manage the effects of these uncertainties is a major challenge.


This lecture explains two methodologies to address uncertainties in energy models: stochastic linear programming (SLP) and robust optimization (RO). I step-by-step build on a simple example to formulate SLP and RO problem. Hope you find the lecture helpful!

Modeling to Generate Alternatives

The majority of the power system and energy system models rely on cost minimization objective. In this lecture, we talk about the potential drawbacks of the existing modeling techniques.


I describe the Modeling to Generate Alternatives (MGA) methodology that provides maximally different technology portfolios with a similar total system cost.

Neha Patankar © 2022

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